Expanding Your ABA Clinic Takes More Than a Thought

Many providers contemplate expansion as a natural progression when their current operations reach capacity. "Let's add more locations, let's add more space," they say, eager to keep the momentum going. But is this necessarily the best path to growth? Let's delve into why or why not.

Romeo Clarke, CPA

Lets Talk

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You're probably familiar with this scenario: A service provider's practice is thriving, adding clients and employees, and funding is steady. Then comes a pivotal moment. Either a BCBA is relocating, prompting the idea to expand into that new region, or the clinic hits capacity, prompting a decision to expand physically. The landlord suggests available space nearby, and the eager provider jumps at the opportunity.

Were either of these decisions inherently wrong? I'd argue no. Providers seize opportunities because, let's face it, who doesn't love a good opportunity? However, I want to caution providers with this expansion mentality to invest more thought and planning into their expansion. Here are a few critical questions to start with:

  1. Does expansion align with my long-term goals?
  2. Is expansion financially feasible at this moment?
  3. How will expansion impact company culture?
  4. How will expansion affect my time and availability to oversee current operations? Will I need to hire additional leaders?
  5. Am I familiar with the regulations and insurances in the new area?
  6. Have I considered the marketing strategy for attracting new clients in the new area?
  7. Are credentialing requirements the same in the new area?
  8. Who will oversee operations in the new area?
  9. Have I assessed the financial implications? What's the cash outlay? Do I have reserves for staffing in place?

While there are more questions to consider, these provide a solid foundation. Providers who meticulously consider these factors are better equipped to make informed decisions about expansions compared to those who don't. So, before you embark on your next expansion, will you take a moment to ponder these questions?